After Commotion Aligarh post office closed
Aligarh. The head post offices do not open the gate on the bed and came to take the form of PCS examination in the intense.
Looking at the Post Office to administer crowd control police came to the rescue. After police crowd control was found to interfere.
More crowded due to the old post office building in the form of government has opened two counters for sale. Day bed close to 600 form 400 form of the PCS was sold. Monday to bed listening to the news of the form of sales from 8 am crowd of people gathered at the General Post Office. Post office open at 10 am the crowd had to take form in the thousands.
Post office employees took a little time to form a system of sharing. But they cut that scene. Given the outrageous crowd was calling the police. Interfere with the police after the case was calm and people engaged in the line.
Form of sales was 4.15 in the evening. Senior Postmaster KD Mishra said post office due to the more crowded it was difficult for other customers. This form has shifted the sales counter in the old building. Do not be a problem because the police force has been deployed.

Aligarh Muslim University Harassment of Students
Aligarh. The incidence of sexual harassment in AMU student leader Sorrel Islam Khan led dozens of students - students submitted a memorandum to direct the Vice-Chancellor's Office. In zamia cynical attitude towards the problems of women in the memorandum is regretted.
In April 2011 memo stated that the Registrar had appointed a committee on the direction of the VC. Whose responsibility was to draft in relation to sexual Harassment?

50 students in June 2011 memorandum to this effect. Committee report was to be in a month. But the committee draft is very weak. The memorandum demanded that the issue should be immediately brought to the Executive Council meeting. Set up new rules to be effective. Committee set up for women's harassment cases have been selected by the students and the students are also represented. As well as harassment cases should be within 2 months. If convicted action against him should be within 2 months. Representations on the occasion Adil Hussain, Mohd Shikoh, Mary Shaheen, Saba Nasir, Offira Mary, smelling, Fiza Hussain, Sdia Amber, Salma Javed, Nujht Fatima, etc., were present.