Girls Fight in nepal
Nepalese college girls fight because of boyfriends
I love to see Girl Fight ! , lolz Must watch !
Kamlari is a Nepali system of indentured servitude where young Tharu girls, a lower caste, are sold to wealthy landlords and brokers for a small fee each year. The girls, many of whom are as young as 6, are forced to cook and clean house and do other menial tasks for long hours with no breaks and little rest. Some suffer severe sexual, emotional, or physical abuse at the hands of the men who rent them. Often, kamlari girls' families sell them to pay off debt or as collateral for a loan from the same landlord who rents their daughter. This cycle of poverty and need has preserved the tradition of kamlari for centuries, trapping endless numbers of girls in the cycle of abuse, lack of education, and poverty.
But now a small group of girls who have been freed from kamlari are fighting back against the practice, and they're doing it with street theater. For example, survivors Sunita and Anita Chaudhary, 17 and 18, have been involved in several aspects of creating and producing street theater. Both of the young women have performed songs, acted, and written scripts which explore the poverty, gender inequality, and entrenched culture of exploitation that allows kamlari to thrive. The plays are often performed in tandem with real live rescue missions, where landlords and parents are publicly confronted and shamed into releasing girls from kamlari and re-enrolling them in school. Sometimes, the spectacle becomes so dramatic the audience forgets it's not real; an actor playing an abusive landlord has been beaten up multiple times. Maybe the audience is just enchanted by these young performers. Maybe it's because the portrayed abuse and exploitation of young girls in indentured servitude in Nepal is real.