Police attacked on youths at the Ramlila Grounds :video
Anna Hazare's fast-site VIP gate of the Ram Lila grounds Sunday night, a group of people clashed with police and barricades were damaged.
According to eyewitnesses the night about three o'clock a group of people clashed with police at the VIP gate. When people open the gate VIP group of policemen who tried to stop the police from messing with poles and sticks attacked.
Not a police officer stationed at the Ramlila Grounds on condition of anonymity revealed that a group of people trapped by police and tried to open the gate. Chaotic burst in the officer's shoulder Fit.
When police asked him to pull away down the barricades and protesting youths. A senior official of Delhi Police quickly arrived on the scene and seven - eight groups of people to control a platoon of CRPF have been called. PCR after 20 minutes of the event's four police cars arrived at the scene.
Policemen at the gate to be used by youth chairs tossed into the air. The official declined to comment on the incident
Tags: Delhi, india, News

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